Friday, April 25, 2008


Last nights late night post was fueld by.......5 hours of Internet poker and 10 Bud Lights!!! Got in a tourney with Walker in my lap at 730 and at 1230 i finished 16 out of 12000.......Walker decided he had enough around 930 and he just could figure out why i kept "Giving" away his green(His Favorite color) and "stealing" the black ones from the other people.

The family will walk in the autism walk in the morning....



Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Dude! thats like some Chris Money Maker status! Thats huge. We already new your ability to handle the playing cards. Your wrap is tight! I still say you should try your hand at that world series stuff on ESPN. We can take up some collection money....I think it cost a bit up front doesn't it. You never know! I better hear some more 60 minute cardio sessions soon.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

I'm still waiting for the lost applicator cover and preperation H story!