Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Musings

1.Does the BOG really need a house? India,Malaysia,China,Hong KKong...D.C. really that house is just an anchor around your waist.

2.Does deano still have the Yota? I know i witnessed the upgrade but he disappears so much that i think he may be lost in the cab of the lets make a deal truck!!

3.I think the older you get the more you enjoy Food Television. Does this mean i should have been a chef?

4.Glad to see things nevr change when a Huricane even gets close to the gulf the local weather heads go berserk!!


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

I wonder if in the middle of the night, he forgets where the bathroom is.

Tator Salad said...


Tator Salad said...

I make LaJeanna clean it up.