Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 8 Summary

Weight 213.6
57:44 Mins
9494 Strides
686.1 Calories
4.42 Miles
145 Avg Heart Rate

100 Exc. Ball Ab Crunches
3x15 Standing Dumbell Curls

Not too bad today was only going to do 33:00 On the eliptical but when i hit that point it felt like i needed to atl least get to 4.0 miles so we continued..hopefully this will all pay off in the long run.


Tator Salad said...

I'm down to 178 from 186 at the end of December. How? I have eaten less than 25 grams of carbs and high proten every day. And, very very limited beer consumption attached to a little colon cleanse during January. Not a lick of excercise.

Now, is that healthy? I doubt it but I bet you could crawl through my colon and 'get in my belly' without a lick of trouble. Plus, I am about to get my walking in as I take on India next week.

The Dynamic Duo (Deano/Gangsta) is back. It reminds me of the Mysticks Myoplex days. I want pictures holding the newspaper or I want believe it!!

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Wow 25 grams of CHO a day...not smart BOG...Lets see...thats 100 calories from carbs...Now take that to 1oo grams and your only talking 400 calories....My point: It aint 400 calories that are essential to weight loss...just a pro CHO rant! Eat those carbs baby. (by the way, gave some kid today 1400 calories in Carbs today through a vein feed, thats 350 grams a day..LISTEN TO DR. ADKINS ROLL IN HIS GRAVE)

Gangsta...LOVE the daily updates. I check it every day. Great motivation for the rest of us. I to am struggling a bit on the scale (not worried b/c got rid of alot of fluid and holding some new muscle fluid as they get SWOLE! I actually got a little pick me up tonight knowing you were hammering out those 17 million elipticle rotations. I hope you are working the veggies, salad, broccoli, carrots, whole grains..etc. I am compiling some good recipes for you to try out from the hospital health cafeteria, but I hope you aint low-carbing it. I am dying right now with a bad bad bad shoulder strain. Hammering through it, but it is killing me.

Oh yea, BOG, still working in the MYOPLEX baby. Pants are falling off and I can't wait till I get a picture to post up. Waiting on a real shocker!

Keep it up big G!

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Yes or No in all seriousness...would you take HGH, not for muscle growth but to help take a few years off the aging body?