Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 38 Can you see your feet?

Can you stand straight up look down and see your feet? This really does not sound this tough but for the first time in a while i can!! Weight at 208.4 but it seems things are changing.

Been a tough week but i had to put in a easy cardio session today even though not feeling my best.

Big week coming up with Chris Rock on Saturday and Disney the first week of April. I am going to try and hurt myself the next 7 days to get under 200. Probably not likely but is still a short term goal.

33 Mins
5406 Strides
396.4 Calories
2.57 Miles
133 Avg Heart

Never thought i would say this..but i kind of feel guilty only doing 33 mins.

Crazy Isn't it!!


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

just remember not to blow yourself out. You are in for the long haul. 33 minutes on a day is 33 minutes more than you were doing before. If you can make some good food choices at Disney and just watch the AMOUNT of food you eat, you can get that famous Disney workout in everyday. The old 4 mile walk every day. Disney will also give you the chance to change that hard core cardio and get in lots of low impact walking. I bet you come back and tear it up again on the elip. I bet all that hard work you have put in over the past month will really pay off in the fact that you are going to be able to keep up with 10.5 and feel better about doing it! Stay on track and remember how damn different you are going to look and how damn good you are going to feel. Get that bike and that fishing pole ready for the summer.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

OH YEA! Guess who is coming to speak at the hospital in April.............MR. Subway himself JARED! I can't waite to see that former fat bastard up close!